Friday, October 23, 2009

Need to slow down.

I am really bad at updating this. I need to slow down I am running around all the time. I been buzy with school more and last Sunday I went to see tokyo Towel it is amazing it taller than eiffel towel in paris and I also went to Akihabara and again too maid cafe. Than on Wednesday I went on another field trip to Roppongi to attend Mori Art Museum and see Tokyo City View, after that we went back to Akihabara we walk around some, after that some my friend and my selft went to Shibuya to hang out. Tonight I am going out again. I will write more latter.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fun Time In Japan

I having a blast in japan, I willy lazy when coming writing a blog. I will try to keep this updated more, from last time I wrote I saying we having are first field trip we went to Meiji Shinto Shrine and Harajuku in Meiji Shinto Shrine is so peaceful and nice there, then at Harajuku lot shopping there and places to get a food. Then on Saturday Oct 3 my language partner take me all over Tokyo show me different sites. than on Wednesday we went to Asakusa on a field trip. Than on Saturday I went watch some of KAIT Sports Festival that the school I going to than that night some of us stay in tokyo all night, than on monday I went with some friend I make here and some friend the trip we went to see chinatown and see some other stuff to. Than today we went on a field trip to Mt. Takao it is so fun and beautiful. I do go into tokyo alot but it big and lot to do. I also doing school stuff to, I also make so many new friend, my language partner Shuhei help me get a cell phone in Japan, and my roommate been sick the first couple week when we get here but he is better now. I will try keep this updated more. Bye for now.